K&W Farms
K&W farms, located in Abbotsford BC is owned by Jake and Lori Esau. The Esau’s started farming 28 years ago in 1992 after Lori’s parents gave them the opportunity to buy into the farm, which was originally broilers (meat birds) as well as laying hens. Currently the Esau’s care for 34,000 laying birds including 15,000 white and 19,000 enriched brown. These birds produce the classic white omega 3 eggs and enriched brown eggs you find in the store.
At first all the Esau’s birds, broilers as well as layers, were located on the same property but in 2009 they were able to purchase another piece of land just down the road and move their layer hens to that area while keeping their broiler barns in service at the original farm. At the new property they started with conventional lay barns but in 2021 have started making the switch to enriched barns. In the enriched housing the birds have private nesting areas, scratch pads, as well as perches.
Making the choice to farm was easy for Jake and Loris as Lori was able to spend more time at home with the kids as they were growing up. Where Jake appreciates the time he was able to spend with family on the farm as well as the short commute to work each morning. In their spare time the Esau’s enjoy traveling and spending time with their young grandchildren. Lori also enjoys baking.
One thing the Esau’s would like people to know is that when you buy Island Gold eggs in the store you are supporting a local family run farm that takes pride in what they do.